東京トリラトナグループは、現代社会の中で伝統的仏教の実践を目的とした国際仏教運動:Triratna Buddhist Communityの一部です。フレンドリーでリラックスした環境の中、瞑想を含めた仏教の基礎を提供しています。

Find out about activities Triratna runs:


Buddhist Centres World-Wide:


Buddhist Talks and Texts:



Useful Links

Main resource of the Triratna Buddhist Community

Our Teacher Urgyen Sangharakshita.

Introductions to Buddhism and meditation in English.

Email us triratna.tokyo@gmail.com,

Online classes in Tokyo


For more information on Meditation Tokyo or Buddhism Tokyo, send an email to triratna.tokyo@gmail.com or find us on Line: Tokyo Triratna Group.

Some of the Buddha images seen on this site are 3D Prints. Find out more about them here.