Do you want to learn how to meditate? Find out more about Buddhism?
Come to our online English speaking drop-in class at the Tokyo Buddhist Group. The clases are suitable for all levels of experience. There is a mix of meditation and a short talk on an aspect of Buddhism with a discussion group afterwards.
No need to bring anything. An open mind and curiosity is enough!
Each Monday from 20.00 to 21.30
For help connecting or more information on English guided Meditation in Tokyo or Buddhism in Tokyo, send an email to triratna.tokyo@gmail.com or find us on Line: Tokyo Triratna Group.
国際仏教団体・トリラトナ仏教教団メンバー。オーストラリア・メルボルン出身。 2003年シドニーにて得度。サンスクリット語の得度名アリヤパーラ(Aryapala)は「精神・霊的卓越性を守る者」の意。19歳の時に仏教に興味を持ち、以来28年間、瞑想を含めた仏教の行を中心とした生活を真摯に送る仏教実践者。
Class Leader – Aryapala
Aryapala is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order. He became interested in Buddhism in Melbourne Australia when he was 19 years old.
He has been seriously practicing Buddhism and Meditation for 28 years.
He lived in a Buddhist Retreat Centre in the UK for 14 years, he was Director of the Centre for 4 years.
He is particularly interested in Meditation and has done several retreats with very experienced teachers. He walked the Shikoku 88 temple Pilgrimage in 2017 and has had a growing interest in Japanese culture for some years.
He also makes jewelery, Buddha images and facilitates classes in Barcelona, Spain.