The Buddhist Centre Online are offering two open meditation spaces daily, Monday to Saturday, via the Zoom platform.

You don’t need to pay for an account to take part.

Here’s what you need to know to connect:

Sessions will last for 45 minutes.

‘Open meditation’ means that none of the sessions each day will be guided in English.

Just bring your own practice and meditate with us!
The second meditation each day will support Spanish language speakers, in addition to English.




If you are new to meditation, you can join our online Monday night group at 8pm (Tokyo time) and we will introduce you to two of our practices:

The Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana (loving kindness) meditations.

Send an email to and we will be happy to receive you!

Or for more information on Meditation Tokyo or Buddhism Tokyo, send an email to or find us on Line: Tokyo Triratna Group.

Meditation times | Tiempos de meditación

First sit | Primera meditación (45 mins):
IE & UK 07:30
Europe (CET) 08:30
India 13:00
Sydney 18:30
Auckland 20:30
Tokyo 16:30

Second sit | Segunda meditación (45 mins):
USA (PST) 05:00
México: 07:00
USA (EST) 08:00
IE & UK 13:00
Europe (CET) 14:00
India 18:30
Tokyo 22:00

Again and yet again

work on whatever estranges

you from meditation!

Lay bare whatsoever arises,

good and bad thoughts alike!

The child who knows their way,

carries along on the path every

harmless thing they happen upon

and nothing that harms them.