Saturday 17th February. 11:00 – 12:30. Shinjuku-ku.
Introductory Meditation and Buddhism workshop.
This Saturday, join Aryapala for a practical meditation workshop in Hyakunincho, Shinjuku-ku. Learn effective meditation techniques and get tips on maintaining a comfortable posture.
In the second half of the session, Aryapala will share a brief presentation on the role of meditation in Buddhism. Helping you integrate meditation into your daily life.
Aryapala, a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order, embarked on his Buddhist journey at the age of 19 in Melbourne, Australia. With an unwavering dedication spanning 29 years, he has spent 14 years residing at a Buddhist Retreat Centre in the UK, including 4 years as Director.
Aryapala’s particularly enjoys meditation, honed through participation in numerous retreats under experienced guidance. His spiritual exploration extends to completing the Shikoku 88 temple Pilgrimage in 2017, fostering a deepening interest in Japanese culture.
During his time in Tokyo, Aryapala will guide you in establishing a comfortable posture and impart meditation techniques for home practice.
He views Buddhism as both ancient and contemporary, offering accessibility and relevance to all. All are warmly welcome to this session.
Along with learning meditation you will hear about the place of meditation within Buddhism and how even a few minutes of daily practice can catalyse lasting personal growth.
Numbers are limited: please RSVP here on MeetUp or email to secure a place.
Address: 野田ビル Shinjuku City, Tokyo 169-0073 3rd Floor.
Hyakunincho, Shinjuku-ku. 3 mins from Ōkubo Station.
Google Map
Email: or call Susana for more information. 090-1739-4210
Price: ¥1,000.
Donations welcome.
The Triratna Tokyo Group is a small Buddhist community based on generosity.
We have no central institutional funding or wealthy benefactors. The small group funds itself completely. We are a “dana economy”, which means we rely on people’s generosity. People can give in many ways and we would like to make it easy for people to contribute in whatever way they are able to.
Dāna means “to give” or “generousness” and is a fundamental Buddhist attitude.
Contributions to class are as low as possible to keep access open. This only succeeds because so many people contribute to it through commitment. Everyone who feels connected to the Triratna Tokyo Group is invited to participate.
We are a non-profit association, but do not receive public funds or subsidies. Triratna Tokyo Group carries itself completely.
If you can give financially it is much appreciated! It will contribute to the class rental, travel and future needs such as meditation cushions and ultimately a space we can call our own.
Thank you for your generous support!
For more information on Meditation and Buddhism.
住所: 〒1690073 東京都 新宿区 百人町 1−23−2 野田ビル 3F
At the heart of this community is the Triratna Buddhist Order. The Order is neither monastic, nor lay, but simply Buddhist. Order members attempt to live out the Buddha’s teachings of Wisdom and Compassion as the primary commitment of their lives, whatever the particular circumstances of those lives may be.